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SLUBStick risk assessment for embedded systems
SLUBStick risk assessment for embedded systems The Linux kernel is susceptible to memory safety vulnerabilities due to its size and complexity.
Read MoreMemory corruption in JCRE: An unpatchable HSM may swallow your private key
Background The key has always been a core target of security protection.
Read MoreAvoiding Single-Point-of-Failure and securing the Root Infrastructure: TCG TPM 2.0
What is TCG TPM 2.0? Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.
Read MoreDemystifiying SMPC (Secure multi-party computation) and its threat model
Prologue SMPC is an interesting topic, whose the applications include systematic security and cryptographic engineering, and this article will discuss its principles, threat models and use-case.
Read MoreThe exploit recon 'msg_msg' and its mitigation in VED
Why msg_msg? The size of structure is control by userspace Firstly, the length of the msg_msg struct can be indirectly controlled from userspace, which means that msg can overlap the cache of the specified types.
Read MoreThe below-OS for supply chain of critical infrastructure protection
Background The endless cyber “war” in the levels of OS
Read MoreWhat can we learn from leaked Insyde's BIOS for Intel Alder Lake
Leaked story timeline According to the timestamp of the github repository, an unidentified user uploaded the Insyde’s partial firmware solution (4.
Read MoreThe magic about how modern OS boot
Linux kernel Under x86/amd64 architecture, Linux kernel is usually packed into bzImage format, which contains a partially-filled data structure for boot parameter, and multiple entry points of stages for 16-bit real mode, 32-bit protected mode, and 64-bit long mode if built for amd64, the last stage is a self-decompressing flat binary, which will decompress and execute the gzip-compressed kernel image proper, also in the format of flat binary, stored in its data segment.
Read MoreTechnical analysis of syzkaller based fuzzers: It's not about VaultFuzzer!
0. VaultFuzzer S0rry, VaultFuzzer is not the main player today. We’re going have little ride with Harbian-QA and GREBE today.
Read MoreNext Generation Data Center Security: The Cornerstone of Web3?
0. Next generation data center What is the next generation data center?
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